vendredi 25 septembre 2015


From my experience, people who are most successful are not always those with the most talent or ideas ... It is those who are willing to work hard, show abnegation & are passionate about their careers.
Anyone can have ideas, desires, ambitions, but how many people are able to take risks and step out of their comfort zone?
There is only one thing to keep in mind: The success of the people is their ability to do what they do not want to do. 
This is why I use these simple principles:
  • To get up in the morning I get up every day at the same time and get out of bed the minute the alarm rings. No negotiation with myself.
  • To write: Even when I have the fear of the blank page, I open a document on my computer and I think I write just one sentence. If after that I do not want, I close the document, and I take it back later. This technique works very well, I very rarely closes the document before completing the article.
  • At home: "If it takes you less than 5 minutes, do it immediately": this is my principle. So I put away and I avoid creating unspeakable brothels. An apartment tidy & clean: a quiet & peaceful mind (finally some what).
  • In sports: I prepare my things last night if I have to train in the morning  and I often am training with my friends (so when the appointment is set, no way to cancel at the risk of insulting me!) .Even when I'm alone, I tell myself that I'm at least 30 minutes and I'm leaving. Once there (or in motion), the hard part is done and I train usually 1H to 2H.
  • To work: I combine all the above principles: I plan my hours of review, I bump even when I do not want or that I'd rather see my friends and I try to respond to emails instantly to the not view accumulate.
  • To eat healthy: I am at a ratio of 2/3 to 1/3 of healthy meals meal where I eat what I want. The best is the enemy of good, I reserve the right to eat fries occasionally.
Yet sometimes I fail.
Because I'm tired, cranky or because I feel overwhelmed because ... nobody is perfect and we all crashes, it is useless to set impossible objectives or fall in self-flagellation, there are 3 techniques to get back on track:
  • Never two days in a row without doing anything: I authorize the "free days", but I try to put me on the next day.
  • Make a To Do list: When I feel overwhelmed and I do not sleep, I write all I have to do in a notebook or on my iPhone. I empty my mind and I visualize my clear action plan through my list.
And you, what's your tips to succeed and not to procrastinate?

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