vendredi 25 septembre 2015


Since the rooms it costs too much and it is still nice outside, I take this opportunity to give you 5 of my favorite exercises body weight!
Easy to make, they seek large muscle groups and allow you to have nice arms, a muscular back, strong abdominal muscles and quadriceps beautiful (just that).

The pump

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Top + Legging : adidas Stella Sport + Chaussures UltraBoost – Photo Elodie Campeanu
Muscles used: pectorals, deltoids, serratus, triceps, abdominals
The +: firm arm, a more muscular back, toned abs
  1. Start with arms outstretched hands below the shoulders, slightly spread your, tight legs (knees on the ground if necessary), abdominal muscles contracted.
  2. Inhale, bend the arm to bring the chest close to the ground without digging the lower back.
  3. Grow up to full extension of the arms
  4. Exhale!
Beware: do not cross your legs if you go on your knees, you risk lower back pain!

La traction

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Photo - Elodie Campeanu
Muscles used: latissimus dorsi, teres major, trapezius (back), rhomboids (shoulders) & bicep brachialis (arm).
The +: a muscular back, strong arms & knowledge a totally badass thing.
Material: A drawbar
1. Inhale and contract the back and biceps to lift the body and bring the bust of the bar. You can work like the picture pronation or supination (it's easier to start):
2. Bring elbows back to be sure to target the dorsal well. 
3. The movement stops when the drawbar is in the chest, exhale. 
4. Descend by controlling the movement well.
To progress: if you do not get to do a pull, you can use various movements of progression such as:
- The skipped traction: skip to hoist you at the bar and control your descent. 
- Pulling the eccentric (or negative phase) starting from the end position you go down as slowly as possible. 
Traction with elastic
Beware: the descent to manage not to shoot the bicep & shoulder tendons

Le dip

Photo: Elodie Campeanu
Muscles used: Triceps, deltoids, pectorals down, anconeus (shoulder muscle).
The +: This is the perfect exercise to get rid of "fat" arms.
Equipment: a bench, rings, chair, parallel bars ...
1. Starting position: arms straight, take a breath.
2. Down until the arms are parallel to the ground.
3. Return to the starting position without locking the joints.
Beware: Get off slowly and smoothly to avoid stress on the joints.

The chair

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Photo: Elodie Campeanu
Muscles used: quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, back injury extensors of the foot.
The +: muscles buttocks and thighs easily
1. Sit back against a wall as you would on a chair.
2. Your thighs parallel to the floor, your knees should form a 90 ° angle. Your feet should be slightly apart (width of the basin).
3. Make sure to keep your back straight and against the wall and abs tight. Your arms should be flexible and based on your lap or at your sides.
4. Support yourself on your heels without ever taking off the front foot.
5. Hold as long as possible!

 The extension legs

Photo: Elodie Campeanu
Muscles: rectus abdomen
The +: abs concrete
1. Arm along the body, slightly bent, you inhale before bringing the knees to the chest.
2. Return to the starting position by fully extending the legs.
Variation: using a bar to hang you bring your legs up. We need your thighs are parrallèles floor so your body forms a right angle.
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Photo: Elodie Campeanu
Beware: monitor the position of your back to not arch!
It is for you now! Good luck😉

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